By Brian Uhe

What if BBC had another production team, or someone co-produce with them like with the 1996 movie, do a TV mini-series called simply “THE 8TH DOCTOR” to fill in the gap of the 8th Doctor (the steampunk doctor) and perhaps before the Time Wars or when the said war is still in it's infancy.

Here's are some ideas.


This happens at the same time that “Resurrection of the Daleks” happened, but on another planet, so these Daleks would be like the ones used in that episode, but with some white gunk on them because of the anti-dalek virus. This is about what happens when you have a creature who's genetically engineered to hate and to kill without mercy where they are now driven by fear and sickness and put in a corner with no way out but to go through the enemy, and when you have that, you have Daleks who are at their most dangerous.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii meet again, for Destrii it's been 6 months since the last time she was with the 8th Doctor, while for the 8th Doctor it's been several hundred years which explains why he looks a bit older, inside a Movellan holding cell where the 8th Doctor was already captured a couple of days ago, while Destrii is the newcomer that the Movellans has scanned when they find out she's using holographic tech to hide her true appearance, and in her true appearance shown through a scanning screen she sticks out her tongue in a childish way, and is then thrown to the floor of a holding cell with hand restraints because of her enhanced strength and the first thing she notices of the 8th Doctor is his voice when he says “The thing about Movellans is that they're so into cold logic that they can't see the logic in manners.”, then of course he helps her up to reveal himself. The 8th Doctor is wearing a “clean” version of the outfit he wore in “The Night Of The Doctor”.

- These infected Daleks are quarantine on a planet that happens to be one of the Movellans' bases, hence they're force to battle with resources that are getting used up.

- The Movellans, an android race, show that their culture is like a computer system and have a memory network, an internet in a fashion, which allows access to others of their kind memories, like the ones from Destiny of the Daleks, which means that external power pack trick isn't going to work for the 8th Doctor because these Movellans know what those other Movellans that the 4th Doctor faced knew as if they were there themselves. They see the known universe that they want to conquer for their empire as a program with too many glitches that needs to be fixed and at times they see themselves as an anti-virus program who see some races as viruses that needs to be dealt with if they can't be “reprogrammed” to their point of view when it comes to a well-optimized system.

- The return of the Ogrons. A small band of survivors after the insanely ill Daleks came to an illogical conclusion that the Ogrons were working for the Movellans and exterminated the majority of their Ogron servants. Although primitive minded-like, they know that their best chance of survival is to work with the 8th Doctor, even though the 8th Doctor is first reluctant because of the safety of Destrii, but loses that battle after the Ogrons give him the sad puppy look and the fact that Destrii feels sorry for the dumb brutes.

- A warning from the 8th Doctor to the Movellans. The 8th Doctor tells the Movellans that all they have done is added a new ingredient to the hatred, lack of mercy, an absolute belief of self-superiority and a strict point of view of order with complete desperation based on Daleks never being able to handle the feeling of helplessness and this becomes proven when a Dalek ship heads towards the Movellans' base and plans to crash into it for the purpose of getting to their enemy which makes the Movellan commander say something like “ This.... This is not logical.” as the Dalek ship hits the base and a shout and echo of “EXTERMINATE!” is heard. The Movellans are confused and panicking because the Daleks are acting outside the calculated parameters and are calling for the “main system”, the name of their command base, for new input as the surviving Daleks from the crash start exterminating everyone they see like invincible gods of war while one of them yells “DALEKS CONQUER AND DESTROY!”. “The Power of The Daleks” While Movellans being androids and the fact that a Dalek's death rays has an x-ray effect, will have skeletons that are more similar to T-800 Terminators then human ones.

- It's a race for survival for the 8th Doctor, Destrii, as well as their Ogrons allies, who have ape-like strength, with the Tardis being the finish line.

- This ends with the 8th Doctor asking Destrii “ Ready to enter the magical box to pay a visit to the unbelievable?”


In the new series it seems that the alternate reality Cybermen have taken over and the main reality Cybermen are gone. If you think about it, or those who watched the classic series, the main reality Cybermen struggle for survival always seemed to get harder and harder after losing their home planet and made it seemed that they were doomed and post-phoning the inevitable. This is where that reality finally catches up with them, while revealing a connection to the alternate reality Cybermen and how they became a major power of the main reality universe.

- The last of the main reality Cybermen have fallen back to an unnamed planet and ships from different parts have surrounded it. Some Cybermen are in bad condition and some of them have patch up-like repairs as if improvising was involved, like one having a voice synthesizer from the original model Cybermen to give him back the power of speech, while there are some still in good condition, but this is not the best of situations for them.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive because he felt he should be here, since he was there when the Cybermen foolishly destroyed their planet Mondas in “The Tenth Planet”, while hoping nothing goes wrong.

- The return of the Galactic Federation and Alpha Centauri where they pool all their resources that's available to take this chance to take down the Cybermen once and for all. Alpha Centauri has known for a long time that “The Doctor” wasn't the human dignitary after “The Curse of Peladon”, but never expected that he was a Timelord.

- The return of Sil, and his servants, who's there because his people have sold weapons to the Galactic Federation to take down the Cybermen, but he's here for a second reason, which is gain a sample of Cybermen technology, since their biotech enhancement technology is highly advanced and he hopes that he can get it reverse engineered and sell it as a new product without the Federation knowing. He and the 8th Doctor meet and he's still angry about what happen on Thoros Beta which confuses the 8th Doctor because it happen so long ago and Sil responds to that by saying “It was a month ago, you time traveling imbecile!” which made the 8th Doctor realize that the wound was still fresh as he walks away feeling awkward while Sil tries to reach him with his small arms as the 8th Doctor walks away showing how badly he wants to strangle him.

- The last of the Cryons. Some time after the events of “Attack of the Cybermen”, other Cybermen came to finish the job of wiping out the Cryon race on Telos. This last Cryon is dying and partly melted, while kept alive by medical tech, like freezing temperatures, and force of will to witness the end of the Cybermen before succumbing to death and ending his/her race.

- Plenty of Cybermats who were left floating in space around the unnamed planet to grab hold of any enemy ship and kill the crew and take over the ships' systems to take down the other ships which forces the Galactic Federation to fall back and forces the 8th Doctor to become involved, since the Tardis, with a “steampunk” console room like in the 1996 movie, but no furniture and has “steampunk lighting”, can materialize to the planet without messing with the Cybermats and switch them off, but it's something that's easier said then done, especially since he has to get pass the Cybermen.

- Once on the planet, a furious fight happens between the main reality Cybermen and the troops of the Galactic Federation. The price for victory is high and only one Cyberman is left and dying while facing the 8th Doctor, telling him this can't be the end, and the 8th Doctor agrees with him, but only because the end happened the moment the last person of Mondas became a Cyberman and their survival was nothing more then a delusion because they were like the dead who only seemed alive, they simply existed, and now that reality has finally caught up with them.

- Once the main reality Cybermen are no more, the last Cryon dies and a waking is perform for him/her and all his/her kind, and to honor them and as a remembrance in hope that what created the Cybermen will not happen again, the unnamed planet gets the name “Cryon”. Among the crowd is the 8th Doctor and Destrii and he tells her something.

“8th Doctor: For hundreds of years I have traveled the known universe, as well as parts of the unknown, through time and space and met with many people and cultures and the one thing I found the most amazing is that while they are capable of doing evil, they are also capable of doing good like showing compassion for others, even ones who live outside their world, and it made me realize that even when you're alone, especially to a point that you're the last of your kind, you are never truly alone in this universe that we all live in.”

- The end.... Back on Telos, the alternate reality Cybermen appear inside the left over base of the main reality Cybermen, either by arriving here when the void collapsed, since it seems that not all the alternate Cybermen arrived at the same time and place, or that already happened and they arrived here by other means. They plan to use the resources of this now lacking of sentient life planet to become a formidable power of the known universe that they are now in the new series, while mentioning the “Great Upgrade Project” (Nightmare in Silver). As each alternate reality Cyberman does his task, the Cyberman in charge gets a close- up and says three words that are famous when it comes to the Cybermen.... “We will survive.”


A sequel to Inferno from 1970. The original 28 Days Later you could say.

- A rich British man who sees himself as a patriot and practically sees enemies everywhere becomes interested in the Stahlman's Gas project from the 70's and with his influence gain classified files of the project, the green goo and it's effects on a person, as well as Professor Stahlman's personal notes. He believes it's for the best in the defense of Great Britain that this green goo gets weaponized if it's enemies ever attack.

- The rich guy uses his resources to build an advanced drilling machine to mine the green goo, while having a kind of cover up to hide it's true purpose, because he feels he can't trust anyone outside his little bubble except a few he believes will obey without question except one starts to realize how dangerous this project is and reports to the government who gives this case to Unit, but sadly it's too late and something goes wrong and the infection that turns people into vicious primeval creatures with a craving for heat is set loose in a town near by the drill. The only thing Unit could do is quarantine the area and have equipment that generates cold to keep the infected back. The rich guy is no where to be found and the drill is still going on. The rich guy actually escapes because it's easier to preach then to practice what you preach but will soon face the consequences of his actions.

- The Brigadier, another one, who's in charge gets a surprise in his office which is the 8th Doctor sitting behind his desk waiting for him and telling him that he is temporary returning to his post a Unit's scientific advisor until this mess is dealt with while leaving behind a confused Brigadier as he goes off to work who later finds out who he is.

- The 8th Doctor is at a loss for a solution for this problem because unlike Cybermen, Daleks, and other threats he had to deal with in the past, this is a virus, and a virus is neither good or evil, it doesn't hate or feel greed, it just infects and self-replicates with no cure in sight. He tells Destrii about the alternate earth and how it was too late to be saved and the reason he was able to save this earth from the same fate was stopping the threat before it reached the point of no return, but that second chance may have perhaps come to an end, especially since what Unit is doing and can do at the moment are temporary solutions that won't hold for long.

- The rich guy's mansion where the guy runs off to foolishly takes samples of the green goo for his scientists to reverse engineer while the 8th Doctor and Destrii catches up with and faces him for what he's done and the 8th Doctor tells him the difference between him and a patriot where all this was simply a pathetic ego trip for the rich guy who thought he deserved a glorious place in history no matter the price, as long if it's someone else who pays it, and while this is happening, an accident happens where the scientists get infected, while later the security men, and leaves the three trapped inside the mansion, while Destrii gets infected, but becomes an amphibious version of a beast, which makes the need for a cure even more dire for the 8th Doctor who may find it in the mansion's lab when it comes to a clue which will perhaps make the 8th Doctor a believer in “third chances”.


A junk yard that's a whole planet, with steam geysers, that happens to have a missing artifact, a container from Gallifrey, which shows that ignorance is not only a blessing, but at times a necessity when it comes to the horrifying secrets contained in it's data banks.

- Elsewhere, a group of so called heroic adventurers, World Savior Inc., who are actually the Dominators because the slave business has been drying up and have some Quarks with them, arrive to the scene to save a people from a tyrant and his army who had enslaved them, but they find those same people cleaning up the mess of the aftermath of already being freed and the leader asked who did this and the answers confuses them when the answer is “It was done by a doctor” and the leader says with annoyance “Doctor Who?”. It would soon be revealed that the World Savior Inc. (Dominators) are after the Doctor because of him being a “do-gooder”.

- Somewhere in the Tardis, The 8th Doctor and Destrii are inside what appears to be some kind of “steampunk” lab where the 8th Doctor is working on a project, but needs a certain component which he thinks he might find on Junk Planet since it's the kind that isn't made anymore and can be bought through trade where he gathers certain stuff in the lab he's willing to trade with. He explains to Destrii that the junk planet started out as a beautiful planet with steam geysers until people from other worlds started dumping their junk in it making it one big junk yard that does have a care taker living there.

- After the care taker agrees to trade with the 8th Doctor for the component for what he offers, they head towards the area where it's most likely to be but find the data container which the 8th Doctor recognizes and it brings him great fear, since he heard of the legends about it as a child like a ghost story, and tells the others they need to be careful with it because it holds secrets about the universe so terrifying that it would even shut down a Timelord's mind, and to make things worse, it opening mechanism is damaged and it could open at any moment if disturbed.

- The Trixadrods. What seems to be a race of human/crab hybrids who have been looking for the container and think it holds the secrets of the Timelords, like technology, which they believe will advanced them to a point that will make them a major force of the universe and they won't be gentle on getting what they want. A treasure chest that's really a Pandora box.

- The two sonic screwdrivers. When the Doctor and Destrii get captured by the Trixadrods, the 8th Doctor's “steampunk” sonic screwdriver is taken, but their search isn't that of a professional and they never check the 8th Doctor's boots where one of them he carries his “backup” sonic screwdriver, which is the one from “Night of the Doctor” which seems to be the same one from the 1996 movie, in case he loses his “steampunk” sonic screwdriver or taken during a time of need for it, which is an idea he had after his Movellan holding cell experience when he didn't have a backup sonic screwdriver. The purpose for this is to create a theory that the 8th Doctor lost his “steampunk” sonic screwdriver before the events of “Night of the Doctor” and had to rely on his older and less advanced backup sonic screwdriver, while of course he gets back his “steampunk” sonic screwdriver back from the Trixadrods.

- The 8th Doctor comes up with a plan to halt the Trixadrods by creating a device out of junk, but the care taker brings forth a reasonable question on how to power the device and a steam geyser erupts behind the 8th Doctor, at a safe distance, which answers that question. He also wears a type of “steampunk” goggles when going to work.

- Things soon go bad from worse when the container is opened and the 8th Doctor has to go in and close it with the risk of his mind shutting down forever.


A sequel to “Underworld” which happens a few hundred years after the Minyan spacecraft finally arrived on Minyos II with their race banks and Minyan survivors.

- The Minyans have finally rebuild their civilization and the 8th Doctor and Destrii come for a visit because the 8th Doctor was always curious to see how they been doing but never fulfilled that curiosity until they were passing by.

- On Minyos II there are three kinds of Minyans which are the ones who blame the Timelords for the disaster of the first Minyos, ones who take responsibility for their ancestors' own actions and the third where there are Minyans who again worship the Timelords as gods like this crazy woman in her twenties who becomes more of a burden for the 8th Doctor then a blessing.

- Modern Minyos II. There are several things about the modern world of the Minyans which are that Captain Jackson and his crew have died a long time ago, the regenerater is now outlawed by recommendation from the crew of the R1C because it makes life seem like a curse, but some Minyans with influence have been using it and pretending to be their own heirs, if they can get away with it, and the pacifier, which law enforcers are equip with new miniature versions, don't work on crazy people.

- Framed for murder. The 8th Doctor and Destrii are framed for the murder of someone who would be similar to earth's senator, but under a different name, since this is an alien culture.

- On the run while having a crazy woman with them. The one who's from the group of Minyans who worship Timelords as gods and is more trouble then she's worth, like for example, when Minyans law enforcers have their guns pointed at the three, the crazy lady says something like “Fools! This man is a Timelord!.... Which means that your weapons are useless against him!” which makes the 8th Doctor and Destrii, who have their hands up, look at the crazy lady with a facial expression that says “Wait! What!?”. There's also the part where they finally make it inside the Tardis, but the crazy lady ends up opening the doors to tell the law enforcers to stop their blasphemy on this “holy place” which allows them access, which of course forces the 8th Doctor and Destrii to run further into the Tardis to hide from the law enforcers, and most definitely from the crazy lady, as both come searching for the two who hope that something will happen to prove their innocence.

- To make things worse for the 8th Doctor, he's been having visions from time to time where a mysterious fortune teller contacts him and gives him a warning in riddle and tarot cards which involves an old enemy from long ago who enjoys toys and games and that the Doctor had something to do with his creation, while anything he thought he knew of this person was lies to mislead. The fortune teller also mentions and shows with an “8 of spades” card which is for some “odd” reason in her tarot card set that turning the number “8” to it's side makes it the “sign of infinity” which is the number of possibilities and choices ahead of the upcoming game, but only one right one which will save everything, but again, she speaks in riddle.


The 8th Doctor and Destrii faces a regenerated Rani, who this time is strict and impatient like a school teacher that no kid would want, but more evil, who sets up lab on a planet that's perfect for hiding, being near a resort and tourist attraction for getting test subjects, and being left alone with her experiments that involves a native and unknown exotic plant grown in the caverns of that planet where it's sap is an unstable mutagen which Rani is trying to genetically engineer to work the way she wants it to work.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive to see the sights and later hear about rumors of strange creatures and disappearances.

- While the 8th Doctor is elsewhere, Destrii discovers at a bar her Uncle Jodafra sitting alone having a drink and comes to the conclusion that he has something to do with the rumors, since he has proven to be more then willing to sacrifice anyone for self-gain, even family, and decides to have a chat with. They talk about that windigo business where he left her for dead, after losing his temper and nearly beating her to death because she wouldn't let him sacrifice children to that beast, as well as those strange creatures and and disappearances which Jodafra replies to that one with a serious and threating-sounding warning that she bet leave this place. It's later revealed that he's working for the Rani and requiring “materials“ for her experiments.

- The strange creatures that ended up being fail experiments are what the Rani uses as flunkies when it comes to kidnapping and guarding her place.

- Rani and the captured Destrii have a conversation which ends up being about the Doctor where the Rani mentions that the Doctor took himself and his granddaughter away from their home planet and was angry about something, which the Rani never cared enough to find out why, while the companion thought he left to explore worlds and meet new people which the Rani responses by saying “It's funny, because knowing him that's no doubt true, but let me tell you something, being true doesn't make it the whole truth, and there has to be a reason why he replaced his real name with a title like Doctor, instead of choosing an actual name to go by. It's as if he was trying to hide from himself.” Then the 8th Doctor appears as a captive and says something clever like “I find that captors make the best guides when it comes to finding secret lairs.”

- The captured 8th Doctor has a conversation with the Rani. He discusses on how he's filled with such disbelief on how Rani cares nothing about the consequences of her actions when it comes to her experiments. He also compares her to the Master, and even though he has done such vile things, he had his self-preservation, his not wanting to die, as a limitation on how far he was willing to go, while the Rani doesn't seem to have even that and one of these days she'll end up creating something horrifying where she'll become the first of many victims to fall from it simply because she never bothered to care.

- The 8th Doctor's warning comes true. The Rani unintentionally creates something where a certain version of the modified sap causes a type of mutation that creates a big and powerful beast that so mentally unstable that it's willing to destroy everything and everyone on sight.


A prequel to “The Mind Robber” which reveals the origin of the Master Brain Computer.

- The creator of the Master Brain Computer is revealed and the purpose behind it's creation was based on a dream that the creator had which is to make any dream coming true possible, but her creation ends up destroying her and goes out of control with it's programming as it reaches out to the minds of the known universe.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii are having trouble with the Tardis as it goes out of control in it's traveling through time and space because reality is going bonkers. Luckily they manage to land somewhere where there's an advanced civilization, but they notice odd things like some people's dreams are coming true no matter how wild, as well as nightmares. Through the Tardis' sensors and computer, it's discovered that “warp-reality radiation” is affecting the reality of the universe. It's like a war between real and fiction and fiction is winning and soon all reality will collapse and there will be nothing but nothingness.

- Through the Tardis, though reality is still bonkers, the 8th Doctor and Destrii manage to get to the planet where the Master Brain Computer is and Destrii ask, while holding onto something since the Tardis is kinda out of control, when are they going to land and the 8th Doctor responds by saying “Any moment now, but I'm afraid you're not going to like it.” and she asks why, which the answer is “Because the landing will have a lot to do with crashing.” which makes Destrii hold tighter as she yells “Oh' Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!” and the long “no” continues as the out of control Tardis enters the planet's atmosphere to begin it's crash landing.

- To get to the Master Brain Computer, they have to go through fiction made real creations of insanity and one of them is a crazy clown that goes after Destrii laughing like a maniac and saying things like “I'm going to get you!” which shows that Destrii had a childhood discomfort with clowns. They also get attacked by the white robots which tells the 8th Doctor what they're facing and the solution, since the Doctor's past happens to be the machine's future.

- The 8th Doctor manages to send the Master Brain Computer into “the void” through it's own power so it can't reach any minds and to meet it's fate when it meets with the 2nd Doctor. The process creates a burst of “warp-reality radiation” that the 8th Doctor says will quickly fade away harmlessly, but after they leave, a ghost-like being appears in the radiation.


The 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive on a future earth that lives up to the word “cyberpunk” to a point that an outsider would wonder if the people of this era would know or remember what it was like to be human.

- Between a rock and a hard place for the civilians of this era. One side is a corrupted government with a police force that's brutal and the other side is a group of freedom fighters who prove that a good deed that goes too far is just another bad deed since they seem to not care about innocent bystanders.

- Destrii mentions an old earth man named Frank, someone she met during her first travelings with the 8th Doctor which was around the present in time era, who once said that someday technology will take over everything and that people will become nothing more then part of the background with the only purpose in life is to push buttons and the world they're in right now seems to be proving him right.

- An ex-freedom fighter joins the 8th Doctor and Destrii as they try to solve the problem where the corrupt government plans to put a control virus on the population where it's pretty common for someone to have an implant to interface with a computer though ports, which the ex-freedom fighter is surprised that the 8th Doctor and Destrii doesn't have one, while on the run from the freedom fighters who see their “ex” as a traitor who left them when she found out that they were no better then the other side and some of them are cyborgs.

- In “image” it will look like “steampunk” vs “cyberpunk” because of how the 8th Doctor is like and how this era of earth is like. Like for example, the 8th Doctor uses his “steampunk” sonic screwdriver to open up a big “cyberpunk” security door with little difficulty that surprises the ex-freedom fighter because it looks primitive on the outside, even though it's more advanced then anything on this era of earth.

- Handwriting is a rare skill in this era, since it's mostly done through computer interface or key boards which some are holograms and the 8th Doctor responds to that by saying “All this fancy stuff is killing off a classic.”


The 8th Doctor and Destrii receive a distress signal in the Tardis and head towards a world with a yellow sky where there's a colony that's in danger from an hidden enemy.... or one that's in front of their eyes.

- The colony of humans are trapped and being taken down one by one by a hidden enemy who wants them unable to leave as their ship was destroyed by something that looked like an act of god.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii end up being in the same predicament as the Tardis gets sunk into the ground which gives the 8th Doctor a clue that maybe this planet isn't like the normal kind and possesses a cruel intelligence that's compared to a child and an ant hill.

- The 8th Doctor talks to a member of the colony who's a woman who lost her husband and son on this colony, while Destrii is at listening range, and the 8th Doctor tells her that he knows how she feels and talks about people that were dear to him and how he lost them from a force of power that some of his people meddled with that he's not allowed to reveal and how it made him a difficult and curmudgeonly man who was very selfish because of anger which made him leave his home planet, as well as give up his real name and title, and lord knows what kind of man he would have become if it wasn't for his granddaughter Susan who he could never say no to when it came to helping others and that it was the reason that made the name “The Doctor” to soon become a promise to never look away from others in need of help out of fear of disappointing his granddaughter.... The child that the stubborn old man could never say no to. The “origin” you could say based on “Never cowardly or cruel. Never give up, never give in.” and who he made that promise to who he sees as the one who made him the man that he is today. That Susan, in a way, created “The Doctor” out of her grandfather.

- The 8th Doctor, his companion and the remaining members of the colony take the risk of going through the caverns of reaching the Tardis, their only means of escape, knowing that the cruel planet could take them down at any moment.


The 8th Doctor and Destrii visits a planet where some of it's people, scholars, once visited 1950's earth and based their tradition on that era where it looks like a mixture of the 50's, like the music, and a 50's scifi movie when it comes to technology, like Robby the Robot, which later, unintentionally, became a profitable tourist attraction.

-The assimilation of 50's earth from the exploration of earth culture from this planet makes the 8th Doctor says something like “If only more people became more curious about other people, then maybe there would be less wars and hatred.”

-The natives look human, but have a mild bump on the forehead.

-The World Savior Inc. (Dominators) is shown again (Junk Planet) and they're not happy with the 8th Doctor for saving that other world, in the name of profit, and think he's either competition or a “do-gooder” and they HATE do-gooders, while the 8th Doctor tells him that he's no fan to people who are glad that the innocent are at times put into peril for the sake of money, while the leader of the group says that he has a big gun, while Destrii pulls the getting a bit nervous 8th Doctor back and tells him that they obvious won that argument.

-The planet gets invaded by legged machines that looks like they come from a H.G. Welles book.

-Things aren't what they seem when the 8th Doctor and Destrii , as well as a 50's scifi looking cop who is with them, find evidence in the records room computer and the earth files based on what the scholars learned of the planet's culture and history, that this invasion was inspire by something that happened on October 30th, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network on earth, which shows that the 50's culture wasn't the only thing that the visitors took back then and someone is using this information because he, she, or they don't like the direction their planet has gone, especially the visitors that direction attracts.

-Destrii gives a speech to the scared natives hiding from the legged machines while the 8th Doctor is somewhere else. “Listen, I know you're scared, you would be stupid not to be, but right now there's an brave idiot out there who looks like he came from a H.G. Welles' book, like those legged machines, and he's either going to do something spectacular or very foolish, probably foolish, since they seem to work best against giant mechanical things, but either way, I have no doubt he's going to save us all.” Sadly, the natives, except the cop who knows better and rolls his eyes up in disbelief on how dumb some of his people can be, begin to think this H.G. Welles is the mastermind behind all of this and the 8th Doctor is his minion because a lot of them only read the part about the earth's 50's pop culture, instead of that planet's history, when it came to earth's culture research records, until the 8th Doctor does something to save the day.


Back on present earth, a storm watch station gets strange readings and outside somewhere an odd storm of anti-matter is starting to form in the sky. This storm happens to be Omega trying to enter the matter universe and no longer has any resemblance of a physical form, even an invisible one, thanks to the events of “Arc of Infinity” where the Ergon’s anti-matter converter which has left him unstable and is pretty much the storm itself, while getting help from the Master, Alex McQueen, who plans to use this to force the universe to surrender under his rule, but can even the cosmic criminal mastermind control someone who's both unstable in body and more so in mind?

- The Master has created a front in the form of a company with a CEO that no one ever sees personally, but through view screen, while he plays a clumsy assistant of that CEO, while wearing a wig, which he says he got the idea from the Wizard of Oz movie where he's the man behind the curtain and the CEO is the big green head that everyone pays attention to.

- The 8th Doctor becomes a guest of the Master's, for real as if he's at a disadvantage for now but can leave afterwards, and they talk about things like....

(1) How they been fighting each other for centuries and how the Doctor always defeated the Master, but the Master response to that by saying “But you never completely defeated me, because I always came back, never down for the count, just like with death who could never get me in it's grasp as if I was an undying entity, instead of another mere mortal.” and the 8th Doctor responds to that by saying “As long as there are those to be sacrificed to prolong your existence.” Which the Master agrees is a point taken.

(2) Conspiracies based on Omega – It is said that Omega's life ended, but was later revealed that he was sent to an anti-matter universe, by a supernova that collapse into a black hole, which according to the Master is half-true, but it was no accident, it was Rassilons' way of getting rid of him for the sake of power and not wanting to share it. The Master reminds the 8th Doctor of the rumor that are the same one that the 2nd Doctor once told the Brigadier of in “The 5 Doctors” that said that Rassilon was perhaps a tyrant. Also, he tells him that Omega told him this himself as if he can only speak to the Master by some means other then having a voice. Omega is like a creature you know is there, but isn't exactly seen.

(3) The Master, confident that he's going to win, tells the 8th Doctor of his plans to use Omega to take over the known universe, while the 8th Doctor thinks that's will be quite an enormous mistake, since Omega had already gone quite mad spending time in the anti-matter universe and there's no telling what his state of mind is now with the way he is now. The 8th Doctor also asked the Master on why he continues to do such insane and dangerous things for the sake of ruling the universe which a lot of them almost ends up killing him and he never seems to learn. The Master's response to that is “It's like I told you before so long ago, one must rule or serve, and what greater prize but to rule all that exists.”

(4) The Master also tells Destrii to shut her blue lipped mouth, he knows what she is underneath the holographic disguise, unless she wants to become his sea food dinner. She made a Lex Luthor joke on him because he's bald and evil.

-The betrayal of Omega – Omega starts attacking everyone and everything in sight with anti-matter lighting and the enraged Master is on top of his corporation building yelling “I am the Master and you will obey me!!!” As the camera moves away from the Master until he's like a speck, he keeps repeatedly yelling “Obey me!!!” until an anti-matter lighting hits the building which makes it crumble to the ground and with speculations about the Master's fate.

-After the defeat of Omega, the rumble of the Master's corporate building is shown and then the Master's body which as first looks dead until it reacts and acts like it's in pain as if something is being forced out of him which is revealed to be energy which shoots into the sky! The energy, that's now in space, happens to be the Master's mind/soul and he seems to be tormented by what's happening. As the energy heads toward Gallifrey, a room has been prepared for it's arrival and it looks like a sci-fi summoning room for a demon in a way, while the sacrifice is another criminal timelord who looks like a young Derek Jacobi and it is asked if whether the criminal sacrifice has some regenerations. The criminal pleads for his life and tries to convince the timelords that they're trying to bring back a monster, but is ignored as they position him to receive the energy, and once he received the energy, his personality changes and gives a mean look as he looks around and says “And here I thought what I just went through was torment enough.” The Master reborn.


On an unknown planet, an old women rules the population like a goddess and those who worship her kidnap people from other worlds or traveling through space to be made as sacrifices. This woman is a timelord and she had already used up all her lives and is nearing the end of her last one, or should have ended a long time ago, but has created a process where the sacrifices' life-force is sucked out of them and used to boost what little regenerative energy her body has left to rejuvenate her body to youthfulness while staying in the same incarnation, but each time it becomes harder and harder.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii are traveling inside the Tardis until it becomes under the control of the Timelords and a representative is there to meet them at the chosen destination. The purpose behind this is that the Timelords want the Doctor to do something for them, like have him dirty his hands while keeping theirs clean, and if the Doctor does this for them, handle the renegade Timelord, they will give the Doctor official ownership of the Type 40 Tardis which brings the Doctor in disbelief because if they cared about the theft…. borrowing…. of an antique Tardis, they would have dealt with it a long time ago, like keep it while they sent him to earth in exile, and he's done with being their galactic yo-yo, but they end up convincing him to do it, and at the same time, leads the Doctor into being suspicious about who or what this particular Timelord is since the Timelords are going through the trouble of taking down, while hiding their tracks. Later he finds out that the Lady Timelord holds certain information that would create great problems for Gallifrey and how and why she had this information which involves a position she once had.

- The 8th Doctor has a discussion with the lady Timelord and tells her about Queen Xanxia (The Pirate Planet) and the similarities between them where they try to live forever and escape death's grasp by sacrificing countless lives, while denying the fact that it gets harder and harder because eventuality they were postponing the inevitable and pretty soon death will claim it's prize as always in the end. This angers the Lady Timelord and she decides to take the Doctor's lifeforce which may include his remaining regenerations, although risky and desperate, while leaving the Doctor thinking “I really should stop taunting my enemies, especially when it doesn't benefit me and my health.”


This happens on another planet where there's an old castle which seems half sci-fi and half Hammer films where an alien version of Ghost Hunters are investigating. In this castle are a strange growth of crystals that are like mirrors.

- The crew are a Monoid, Tivoli (Who keeps running away when things get scary which annoys the others.), Catkind (Who's impatient and with an attitude), and a Groske who's in charge and bossy. They're there to investigate on what happen to the residents there 60 years ago on a live feed for viewers to watch.

- The 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive, while expecting to be somewhere else. The 8th Doctor explains that the Tardis sometimes takes him to places without an explanation why. That he doesn't know whether it's a malfunction or a purpose behind it that only the old girl knows of.

-When one of the crew of the show, who wears a watch-like device on his right wrist, looks at the crystal and walks away, while unknown to him is that his reflection remained and walks out of the crystal and has that same watch on it's left wrist…. Like a mirror reflection…. Which is one of the ways of finding out who's real and who's a copy. Of course there are more copies of others to be created.

-The 8th Doctor, Destrii who doesn't like the camera aimed at her because it bypasses her holographic disguise, and the show's crew, while on the run from their copies, discovers in a bedroom a book which reveals that whatever happened there 60 years ago started when one of family members started messing with something he shouldn't have, an evil force that the Doctor may be familiar with, and while this is going on, the copies are summoning that evil entity who has the form of a snake.


The 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive on a future earth where the era is almost like a comic book where they meet this guy who calls himself the Masked Avenger who's fighting a mob led by a man named the Grudge.

-The Masked Avenger wears an exo-body armor that enhances his strength, leaping and speed, while giving him a measure of durability, while his mask can act like a scanner.

-The 8th Doctor says that this started with the discovered, but limited in detail, historical records of Comic Cons and the fact that a lot of other historical records were lost from the last war which led to making this era think that the people in cos-play way back then were actual super-heroes.

-Destrii asks the 8th Doctor if the human race was close to extinction in this era and the confused 8th Doctor ask why she would think that and companion answers while watching a costumed guy running in the background yelling “trouble is afoot!” which is “Just wondering if they were having a mass virgin population problem.”

-The Grudge got his name for being very unforgiving which means that he's very intolerant with not only people who interfere with his business, but failure from his underlings. A very feared man.

-The 8th Doctor and Destrii end up helping the Masked Avenger face against the Grudge who wants to fill the city with sleeping gas so to rob it blind while wearing masks themselves and the 8th Doctor mentions that even though he's probably way too old for this kind of thing, he seems to be having a splendid time with this. Because of what Destrii really is under her holographic disguise, she's pretty much the one with real powers when it comes to things like strength and agility.

-At near the end, other people like the Masked Avenger appear to help with stopping the Grudge, and like Masked Avenger, wear masks and use technology of their era to give them abilities, like one who uses tractor beams, and in the end the super-heroes decide to become a team called “The Great Protectors”.


On a planet that looks like a sci-fi Game of Thrones with advanced technology and people, especially the peasants, asking “If we're so advanced, then why does it seem that we're living in the dark ages?”, which is ruled by a handsome prince who seems like a hero for slaying evil monsters. But…. There's a secret organization that has been trying to save the monsters which brings some questions on whether or not these “monsters” are evil and who is the real monster here.

-When the 8th Doctor and Destrii arrive, he tells her about this place where people outside ask the same question “If they're so advanced, then why is it that they live like it's the dark ages?” which even the 8th Doctor can't figure out.

-The prince is like a hero in his own storybook world, and the reason why his people live the way they do, for the purpose of being the hero in image, which to him is more important then the people's welfare, as well as their lives, and uses the fear of the monsters to make them accept it and think they need him. It's like a sick ego trip which the prince is willing to kill to maintain, and not just the monsters.

-This planet also have their own version of inquisitors who hunt down and exterminate people with types of psionic abilities without the public knowing. A witch hunt and they use disintegrater tubes which is their version of burning them which they do after accusing them of their crimes for existing. The prince knows of this because he's the one who started it because he also sees them as monsters, but ones he believes he himself can't handle, so he let's others do it.

-The secret organization exists to save the so-called monsters who look scary and seem to want to eat you, but are only hostile when threaten and are near extinction thanks to the self-righteous killings of their kind. They tell the 8th Doctor and Destrii that the way the so-called heroic Prince does it is have his servants risk their lives luring one to him, but making sure it's drugged enough to still look furious, but too dazed to be a threat, and he puts on a show.

-The 8th Doctor and Destrii are captured and have dinner with the prince who brags about his greatness and how the people should be grateful for him which shows a level of arrogance that someone in their right mind would call completely delusional. While the price wasn't looking Destrii “pretends” to shoot herself in the head because of how tormenting the bragging is. Destrii is disgusted by the prince, because despite these “monsters” being monstrances-looking and wild animals, they have done nothing to deserve this kind of cruelty or would be this cruel to others, especially since it reminds her of a pet she used to have which she was forced to kill,

-It would end for the prince with “karma”, and without him, the people decide to stop living like it's the dark ages, since they have all this freak'in technology, and create a habitat for the “monsters” which they decide to name ranclors.


Frobisher, the shape-shifting Whifferdill who likes to take the form of a penguin, but also known as Bish in humanoid form while running a bar, who thanks to once being a time traveler, has notices some odd things happening which no one seems to notice, including his wife Caralla, where things of the past, a hundred years to be exact and is this planet's version of earth's 1960's in similarity, seem to be melding with the present as if becoming a normal part of the present.

-Deciding to dust off his detective skills, he does some research on some historical records based on the past era to see if something happened to the past and notices some things from the present, like tech and culture, are in the historical record, and to make things weirder, the record changes before his eyes, also, when he leaves the building, he see concert posters of a singer who died a hundred years ago from drug overdose, but now he's here, young and alive, and people act like it's normal, making him realize that he needs the help of a doctor, the kind who knows time.

-Frobisher calls for the Doctor and tells him where to meet him which is the bar named Bish which the doctor, who's sixth sense seems to be telling him that something odd is happening, tells Destrii about a nice man named Bish who helped him when he was feeling depressed and he says hello to “Bish” and tells him he's here to meet a friend named Frobisher who looks like a bird and Bish reaction is “You?”, while the confused 8th Doctor says “Um, yes, me.” Bish “You?” confused 8th Doctor “Me?” Bish transforms into Frobisher “You?” surprised 8th Doctor “You?”, while Destrii asks why the two seem surprised to see each other and why did that guy turn into a penguin and the 8th Doctor tells her about the events based on the comic strip “Where Nobody Knows Your Name” and that Frobisher used to travel with him. Frobisher mentioned that the female robot Zalda decided to dump the cheating bum and found someone who treats her better.

-What is time fusion? The 8th Doctor explains that this isn't time traveling where someone is taking things from the past to the present and vice-versa, but a merging of two eras into one which is very dangerous to do, the kind of dangerous which even the Timelords wouldn't dare to do, because this creates anomalies, like having your own great grandfather be part of the same generation that you're in, and it will get much worse as the process continues. The 8th Doctor assures everyone that once the merge is complete, it won't last 5 minutes and this world and everyone on it will collapse and be wiped out of existence between today and a hundred years back. To stop this they must solve this “MYSTERY” on who's behind it and how they're doing it before it's too late, but Frobisher soon has a confidence crisis as a detective where he admits that his first wife, Francine, was right about her being the better detective and that he was nothing more then a con man, but hopefully this will be his moment of proving himself otherwise.

- Also, Caralla, who doesn't understand any of this because everything seems normal to her, because she's being affected by the time fusion, takes the opportunity to ask Destrii where she's from and she answers Oblivion which leaves her and Frobisher feeling awkward because of how that sounds.


A long dead alchemist had made preparations before her death to gain vengeance on the descendant of the one who stole her formula of an elixir which would have prolonged her life by creating 5 alchemical created creatures which are a blob, homunculus, golem, chimera and gargoyle who have awoken from their long slumber and the only thing that stands in their way is the 8th Doctor and Destrii.

- The descendant is a veterinarian who has no idea what his great great grandfather has done or why these creatures are after him until later.

- A mysterious man has been watching the whole thing and seems concern about the veterinarian, as well as the fact that he may be much older then he looks thanks to a certain formula.

- The 8th Doctor explains about alchemy by saying “It's a type of magic that's really a type of science which is hard to explain when it comes it's nature, there by making it seem like…. Magic.”

- The alchemical creatures have a box with them that looks like a fancy coffin and seem to have another goal apart from killing the descendant which is to obtain the elixir formula.


This story happens right before the beginning of the Time Wars where the 8th Doctor meets with a banished Romana (Lalla Ward) who's being chased by people who think she's Princess Astra and hopes to hold her for ransom.

- It's revealed that Romana was removed as Lord President because the council disagreed with her for trying to broker a peace treaty with the Daleks to avoid war and saw it as weakness and despite her warning about the Daleks, based on her own experience, they believed they could handle them based on their confidence in their own advanced society which they believe is invincible compared to the rest of the universe, thanks to their isolation, and the 8th Doctor mentions how they never learn, as well as that incident with the Vardans and Sontarans from “The Invasion of Time”.

- While on the run, they are being slowed down by the fact that Romana is reaching the end of her second life and will soon regenerate. When they manage to find time to rest, Destrii becomes curious about regeneration after hearing about it and the 8th Doctor explains that it's how a Timelord renews him or herself which results in a change of both body and personality which leads to the next question which is what's that like?

“8th Doctor: It's like reincarnation in a way, but you don't leave your body and get reborn in another somewhere else. You stay in your physical form that changes along with your personality while you remember who you used to be, meaning you're still the same person, but at the same time you're not, which is the price a Timelord must pay when one goes through renewal which is where the parts of you that made you “you” are gone forever while replaced by something new.”

- Romana tells about how she met the Doctor, which was being assigned by what they thought was the White Guardian to look for the Key of Time, as well as her first regeneration which happened when she was still very young, 128?, and that the order who called themselves The Shadow went too far with their torturing which caused cellular damage that she started to feel a day later and what trigger the regeneration process, as well as doing well at a course at the academy which taught on how to control regeneration when it comes to choosing what your next incarnation will be which is how she managed to mimic Princess Astra which she admits she actually admired, while the 8th Doctor admits that he failed that course which is why all his regenerations so far have been random. Romana also mentions how she almost got the name Fred because of her long name, the thing about e-space and why she returned and being worried about K-9 “2” who stayed behind on Gallifrey and planned to work with K-9 “1”, who later came under Romana's care after Leela, who she befriended and became her closest friend, since being with the Doctor changed her from being like the rest of the Timelords, died of old age based on human life span, despite Timelord medical tech prolonging it, in finding alternate solutions if war happens.

- After the bad guys have been stopped, Romana regeneration begins, and before it starts, Romana says “I guess this is good-bye.” and the 8th Doctor responds by saying “Or perhaps hello…. Since this isn't really an ending, but a new chapter in one's life.” which leaves Romana 2 smiling and then she regenerates into Romana 3.

- A day later, the 8th Doctor and Destrii leave Romana 3 at a space station where she purchased a “ticket” for space transport with plans to do what she can if war does start with the Timelords and Daleks, despite being banished with no title of authority, while the 8th Doctor promises to keep her existence and whereabout a secret in case the council of the Timelords decided to go to extreme measures if they felt she was interfering too much. Also, Romana 3 tells the concern 8th Doctor that he has nothing to worry about, since the regeneration cycle has completed itself and she has become fully adjusted to her new incarnation, despite the fact she has a lot of self-discovering to do. She also tells Destrii, after the 8th Doctor leaves, to watch over him, because he has this habit of getting into trouble and mentions a time with an alien race named the Trycons where they ended up running for their lives, because they forgot to bring the mechanical dog, when the Doctor accidentally tripped one of them with a ridiculously long scarf he used to wear.

Back at Gallifrey, the council is planning a “resurrection” and a sacrifice, a Timelord, and price in the resurrected's sanity is mentioned.


The 8th Doctor and Destrii end up giving a ride to one of the scientist duo, the sister, who created a time machine which the brother was testing, but showed it was far from being perfected. He's running wild and out of control in the time vortex, and to make it worse, the dis-stability it's creating in the time vortex is like a dinner bell ringing for the most dangerous of species that live in it.

- While traveling, they discover that the reason behind the alien planet's developing of time traveling is for what is called “The Do Over Project” where they travel to the past to change something bad for something good to make a better world which disturbs the 8th Doctor.

- After the rescue, the 8th Doctor hopes to convince the two scientist and their world's government how dangerous it is to continually alter the past when there's something they don't like, that the consequences are too great, even though it seems to fall to deaf ears.

- The lady scientist knows that the 8th Doctor is a Timelord and it was his people who inspired them, but what she couldn't understand is why they didn't use their power over time to make the universe a better place and free of evil and hardship and he tells her about the Laws of Time that his people follow, at least most of them, though there was one dressed as a monk who was messing with earth history, thinking he was doing them a favor and not caring about the damage as if it was nothing more then a hobby, then he mentions the Daleks, who despite their nature and with a few exceptions, have time traveling protocols out of fear of the consequences.

- While the discussion continues, the creatures from the time vortex enters the world to bring havoc and try to eat the population which the 8th Doctor feared.

- After the danger is over, the 8th Doctor and Destrii hover above the planet in the Tardis waiting to see if the scientists and their world has listen to his warning or that the world will change before their eyes, and whether it become a Utopia…. Or a nightmare.

Some extra stuff

- The half-human thing: Because of the 7th Doctor's mistrust for the Master who was diseased and inside the Tardis, the 7th Doctor created a failsafe in case something went wrong and the Master was involved, although not a perfect plan since the 7th Doctor couldn't think of everything, which is

(1) Feeding the Master false information based on him thinking humans are pathetic and inferior and the fact that the Doctor hangs out on earth a lot to make it convincing.

(2) A post hypnotic suggestion that made the 8th Doctor think he was half-human which was triggered through the Tardis' telepathic circuit.

The purpose for this was to make the Master think he had more of an advantage then he really had, while he did have a big advantage, but it was to make him cocky and make a mistake, despite calculated risks like opening the Eye of Harmony which again based on the 7th Doctor being unable to think of everything despite on how unusually clever he was.

- The Eye of Harmony thing: The 8th Doctor shows Destrii the Eye of Harmony, something he didn't think of the first time she was here, though a theater-like balcony and Destrii is amazed that he has something like this inside the Tardis, but the 8th Doctor tells her that what she is seeing is a pocket dimension that the Tardis has access to and that this is how the Eye, which is one thing, powers all Timelord technology and she responds by saying “So, you're telling me that if I jumped off the balcony, I would be “leaving” the Tardis and be somewhere else, correct?” and the 8th Doctor responds by saying “Correct.... Though doing something like that would be a bad idea by the way.”

- The return of the view screen on the wall: Just like in the classic series, but one with two panels covering the view screen until a lever is turned on the console to open the two panels in a way where they separate from each other, left and right while still being visible, while the view screen pops out, and while this is happening, a clock ticking sound is made. Also, the return of the round things on the walls, but made out of wood.

- Using the name John Smith a lot because he's on the run from the World Savior Inc., the Dominators in a new business.

-The 8th Doctor's “RETURNED” companion: Destrii, full name Primatirx Destriianatos, who's a blue amphibious humanoid with scaly skin, claws and a face resembling that of a fish from the planet Oblivion who uses a holographic device to make her look human when needed, though at times it seems that she's hiding from herself, while having enhanced physical abilities and senses. While chilling and minding her own business on some planet after feeling a bit depressed for losing her boyfriend when she decided to reveal her true appearance to him which ended the relationship that involved some running and screaming of terror, two Graskes appear out of no where to perform a interstellar teleport that needs precise calculations, since the universe doesn't hold still like planets rotating, meteors and cosmic storms as examples, while part of it is be in a certain place of the planet they're on at a certain time as well as “weight”, so you can bet the Graskes weren't too happy when they noticed Destrii after the process had already begun, and by some miracle, Destrii ends up on the planet where “Fury of the Daleks” is on. For somewhere between a week to a month, Destrii has been trying to survive inside a battle field until she meets the 8th Doctor again, which for her as been 6 months since the last time she saw him, while for the 8th Doctor it's been several hundred years since he last saw her which would explain why he looks a bit older. Being amphibious, she sometimes uses the Tardis' swimming pool to refresh herself and uses this “nature” when it involves being underwater in an adventure when it comes to getting to a place or spying, like peeping part of her head out of the water to see what other's are doing. What would be needed is an actor who resembles her hologram disguise, while perhaps using CGI for her true appearance. Also, when it comes to TV, she would be the first alien companion who actually looks alien, if you don't count the robot ones…. Also, she becomes a fan of earth heavy metal and wears a jacket that looks leather, but is made of a completely waterproof material.

As the series goes on, it's revealed that Destrii reminded the 8th Doctor of what he was like as the 1st Doctor at the beginning of the classic series where he was a difficult and curmudgeonly man, and it's also revealed that it was because bad things happened on his home planet and it's his belief that if it wasn't for his granddaughter Susan, he would have probably ended up like the Master. That it was because Susan was there to believe that he was and could be a better man that made the name “The Doctor” mean more then just be a title and a promise after she left. The 8th Doctor feels that what Destrii went through on her own home planet Oblivion as a child, as well as the bad things she did in the past, that she simply needs someone there to believe in her, that she's not the monster that she fears that she is and that inside she a good person.

- Some quotes

“Being a hero isn't something that happens because you want it to happen, it's something that has to happen when the moment demands it, so forget about the glory or remembrance and just do it simply because you feel that it's the right thing to do.”

“People who say “no matter the price” with ease are the kind of fools who never bother to see how much it's going to cost.”

“Cowardliness isn't just about being afraid to fight, it's also about being afraid of looking bad when you don't.”

“Destiny can be at times nothing more then a fancy word to give an image of glory to one's existence as if life was something written in stone and free will was nothing but a myth.”

“Believing in something that sounds ridiculous can sometimes be the first step in discovering something amazing.”

“A monster isn't something that looks scary and seems to want to eat you, it's actually a choice, a decision to do horrible things to others, and even someone that looks like a handsome prince can be one.”

“Time and space…. An existence so vast that even someone like me who has lived for hundreds of year hasn't seen it all and I have no doubt that will change when I will have lived for thousands of years.”

“Time traveling is more of a responsibility then a privilege because of the power it can give someone and there's a fine line between helping someone and being arrogant enough to think you know what's best for everyone.”

“Confidence without doubt is merely overconfidence.”

“Being smart isn't always about being smart because one can be smart enough to create a doomsday weapon that could wipe out everything from existence and at the same time not be smart enough to realize how insane it was to create such a thing in the first place.”

“Feeling ashamed can be painful, but at times it can be motivating, where it can inspire you to do good things to a point that it might dwarf the bad things in comparison.”